Tuesday 14 June 2016


Assalammualaikum, hi gais! :)

Welcome to our blog!

As we all know, this blog named THEFOOD.VIEW. Soo i guess that everyone will automatically think about food kannn? Yesss the speciality of our blog is about food! When we talk about food, the first thing that is going to pop out our mind is the pleasure of having them all. Kan? Just admit it uolls. Lagi lagi yang diet yang jaga badan tu kan kan hehehe. Mesti craving macam macam tu ;P. So yesss everyone will be so eksaiteddd when it comes to food! Yummy foods will always keep us satisfied in anyyy situations; no matter how happy or sad we are.

As a human being, it's normal for us to crave for foods. And yea, we ourselves do really love foods! (P.s: Delicious foods la of course ngehehe.)
Ala tapi siapa je yang tak suka makann kan? Meh habaq meh siapa jee? Rugi betoiiii la hahaha ok go back to the purpose of this entry.

We would like to introduce this blog to all of you. Our blog consists of 6 members: Syawinna, Syazwana, Anis Farihah, Syuhaida, Anis Adilah, and Natasha. Basically, we do food hunting, we share recipes and we help you to find the best restaurants and local cuisines in Malaysia.

So yea stay tuned with us! ;)


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